My name is Joe Marinich, and I am 31 years old and I have 3 daughters, and have been married for about 8 years. Two of my daughters will be attending Carlisle this fall. I have currently served on the Board of Education for about 2 years and I am looking to keep my seat after the November elections. I have been the Youth Pastor at the Vineyard Community Church in Franklin for about 8 years.
I am concerned for and care about students of all ages. I take a lot of pride in the city of Carlisle and simply want to make it a place my children and students take pride in graduating. I am passionate about making this an excellent rated school district, and I am currently fighting for better safety and communication within our schools.
Thanks for taking a little time to learn a little about me…
Let me start out by saying that perception is what matters in these sort of elections. What I also realize is that community members and observers typically remember the last few decisions that we as a board make. I think its good sometimes to try and remember our victories, as well as defeats… Here are some victories.
1. We as a board have cut almost $1 million dollars a year.
2. We did this by pretty much not cutting things that would hurt us academically.
3. We have brought trust and communication back to negotiations that take place between administrators, teachers, and board members.
4. We have taken this district from one on financial watch to one that will not finish this year in negative spending.
5. We were a few indicators away from being an excellent rated school district, and not only will we achieve this soon but we get better every year.
These are just 5 reasons to keep this board intact, and there are many more. Although we may not always agree on things we always come to a reasonable decision and we all vote our convictions. I am asking not just for your vote this year, but for your vote for my friends. We have not had much time together to really shape this district and I hope you give us this opportunity.
For more information check my website at, or follow me on twitter at There is also a link to my twitter from the homepage of my site if you aren’t good at that sort of thing.
…My name is Joe and I am running for school board. VOTE 4 JOE!
Thanks for your time.
Joe Marinich
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