Monday, October 5, 2009

Letter from HS Principal, Matt Bishop & High School First Quarter Newsletter...

First Quarter Newsletter

Dear School Patron,

Carlisle High School has received a national High Schools That Work GOLD AWARD for Improved Implementation, based on the progress of the staff in improving school practices. The award was presented by Dave Spence, President of the Southern Regional Education Board, at the annual High Schools That Work Staff Development Conference in Atlanta on Wednesday, July 8, 2009.  

Dave Spence praised the school for its achievement, pointing out that it takes dedication and hard work on the part of state, district and building leaders and teachers to make progress in preparing students for college and careers in an increasingly competitive world. He presented the award before an audience of more than 6,000 educators from across the nation.
CHS is one of only ten high schools in the nation receiving the HSTW Gold Award for Improved Implementation in 2009. To earn this recognition, the school made large improvements in their implementation of the HSTW design. These schools also had 50 percent or more of students meet at least one of the readiness goals on the 2008 HSTW Assessment and either met the Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) criteria of the federal No Child Left Behind Act or had a graduation rate of 85 percent or higher.  “This school has shown what can be accomplished to raise student achievement by deeply implementing the High Schools That Work model for strengthening curriculum and instruction,” said Gene Bottoms, Senior Vice President of SREB and founder of HSTW. “The school illustrates the spirit of change and the gains in performance that High Schools That Work advocates and supports through assessment, staff development and technical assistance.”   

We have an amazing group of professionals working with our young people.  They are innovative, collaborative, and compassionate…they are truly here for the kids.  Our class of 2008 should be recognized as well for putting up such high numbers.  We are proud to see their high achievement continue impact our school in a positive mannerMore than 1,100 high schools in 32 states participate in the HSTW school improvement initiative, which is based on the premise that most students can master rigorous academic and career/technical studies if school leaders and teachers create a school environment that is motivational, challenging and supportive. The HSTW initiative is the nation’s first large-scale effort to engage state, district and school leaders in partnership with teachers, students, parents and the community to equip all students with the knowledge and skills needed to graduate from high school and succeed in college and the workplace.               

Finally, as we begin a new school year, it is important to identify the mission of our school In partnership with the family and community, the Carlisle Local School District’s mission is to focus on the needs of students in everything we do, while providing quality educational experiences in a positive, innovative and safe learning environment. I am confident that the students, staff, parents, and community of Carlisle Local Schools will continue to work diligently towards meeting that mission everyday. 


Matt M. Bishop, Ph.D.
Building Principal

The first day of school for ALL students at Carlisle High School will be Wednesday, August 26, 2009.  We are not doing the exclusive Freshman Academy Day due to state requirements.

CHS will hold a freshman meeting for students and parents on Monday, August 24th at 6:00 p.m. in the commons.  Students will receive a tour of the facility; hear important information from our guidance department and our vocational partner (Miami Valley Career Technology Center), and much more.  Students will learn the importance of starting their first year of high school on a positive note as well as the programs and services available to them at Carlisle High School. 

Students may pick up parking passes in the high school office beginning Friday, August 14th.  The cost of the parking pass is $20.  School fees are $55 for the 2009-2010 school year (no increase).  Students must pay fees in full prior to purchasing parking passes, dance tickets, participate in extra-curricular activities, etc.  This includes past due fees.  Please see Mrs. Sprinkles in the high school office to pay fees.

CHS OPEN HOUSE             
Carlisle High School will host an Open House for parents and community members on Thursday, August 27th from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.  Parents can meet teachers, pay student fees, and learn how to use our online grade book program that parents can access from work or home.               

Carlisle High School will offer Parent Teacher Conference opportunities on September 24th, November 5th, and February 25th from 3:00 to 7:30 p.m.  It is highly encouraged that parents take advantage of meeting with teachers during these meeting times.  Parents play an important part in a child’s education.  Your attendance at these conferences will not only benefit your child educationally but strengthen the bond between school and home. 

Did you know that you can obtain a schedule for every sport from every high school in the state?  Just go to and you can select Carlisle High School to get schedules for all fall events. 

As with any school, we had some teachers move on to other districts.  We were fortunate to find two outstanding teachers for our high school students.  Mike Salyer will be an Intervention Specialist assisting students in our Special Education area and Adrienne McLemore is our new Choir Director.  Please stop in and meet these teachers when you have some time.

            9/7              Labor Day-No school                                          
9/24              Parent Teacher Conference (p.m.)
9/25              Teacher Inservice-No School                                         
10/9              Homecoming Football Game
10/10              Homecoming Dance (evening)                             
10/15              Student Portraits
10/29              End 1st Quarter                                                         
10/30              Teacher Inservice-No school
11/5              Parent Teacher Conference (evening)               
11/25              Thanksgiving Vacation begins

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