Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Carlisle Middle School Aug/Sept Parent Newsletter

Chamberlain Middle School

August/September 2009-2010 Parent Newsletter

Wednesday School/Extra Help/Tutoring

Students that are failing 2 or more classes are required to stay the normal time on early release days. Students can work on missing assignments; make up work, extra studying. If they are assigned a Study Table it is mandatory. Failure to show, or make arrangements, will result in disciplinary action. Our numbers have been dropping since we have implemented the Study Tables program.

First Day of school

August 25 will be the first day of school

6th Grade Orientation

August 24th 6pm in CMS Auditorium

Open House

August 27th 6-7:30pm

Student Schedules

Student schedules will be given out the first day of school.

Wednesday Early Release

We will dismiss at 1:25pm. Please make arrangements for picking up your student. Students will not be allowed to be in the building after 1:35pm.

Parent/Teacher Conferences

September 24th 3-7:30 (No appointment needed)

No School

September 7th Labor Day

September 25th In-service

Progress Book (students grades)

If you need your students ID and password please contact Mr. Turner at CMS or Mr. Schuh at CHS

Lunch Prices

Lunch prices for the 2009-2010 school year will be as follows: Plate lunch - $2.50; Basket lunch - $3.00. If needed, Free/Reduced Lunch forms are available in the CMS office.

The new EZPay system is now being utilized in the lunch lines. Your student has an ID number in place as of 1/30/09.

Student Absences

If a student is absent, please call the school at 746-3227 before 10:00 am to report the absence. When the student returns to school, he or she has two school days to turn in either a parent note or doctor’s note giving a reason for the absence. In order for the absence to be excused, this note must be turned in to the attendance office (regardless of whether or not a call to school was made).

If a student has a doctor’s appointment, please bring a doctor’s note in to excuse the absence.

Medicine at School

Students are not allowed to possess medicine (even over –the-counter varieties) while on school property. All medicine must be turned to the office by a parent with a doctor’s note describing its use. Failure to comply with this rule may result in disciplinary action.


`Cellular Phones

Students are not allowed to use or have cellular phones at school during the hours of 7:25-2:10. If a student is found to have a cell phone on during school hours, the phone will be held in the office until a parent is able to come to the school and retrieve the phone.

Student Drop-Off/Pick-Up

We will continue our new drop off procedure. Parents will enter in the east parking lot and proceed down the new access road. Drop offs will turn left to the designated area. Please remember that students are NOT to be dropped off in front of the school (Fairview) until after 7:30am.

Progress Book

Parents – Progress Book is a great way to keep up with how your son or daughter is doing at school. Please be sure to visit Progress Book to view your child’s daily assignments and grades. Our teachers are making every effort to post assignments daily and update grades at least weekly.

You can visit Progress Book via a link at our district web site at . If you need your user name and/or password, please contact Mr. Turner at 746-3227 or at our respective email addresses.

Study Tables

We will have extra help on Tuesday and Thursday from 2:30-3:30. This will be additional tutoring for your student.

Student Pictures

October 16th

Retakes 20th


Please make sure your student returns all the forms they receive the first day of school.

Sports Schedules and Maps

Please go to


Please have a designated place you are to go after school until your practice starts. Students will not be allowed to be in the building unsupervised.

School Fees

$55.00 School Fees

$30.00 Sports Fees (Must pay before first contest)


Parents, please remind your son/daughter to lock away any personal belongings. Please do not give your locker combinations out to friends.


Dan Turner


(937) 746-3227 Ext. 300

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