The Meet the Candidate Night at the Carlisle High School last evening was beneficial for everyone in attendance. The Carlisle High School Senior Government class hosted the event that included Mayor Tim Humphries, City Manager Sherry Callahan, and a host of council members and challengers, as well, as School Board Candidates.
Senior student Abby Hamilton did the introductions for the advance placement government class. The first to take the podium was current council member Dennis Bowles. Bowles is running against Chad Johnson to keep his seat for the At Large City council seat. Bowles discussed his accomplishments in his career and civic duties. He also discussed what the council as a whole has been able to accomplish in his time as City Council member.
The second candidate to take the podium was Bowles challenger, Chad Johnson. Chad discussed his past of growing up in Carlisle and how life has taken him around the world. He talked about wanting to raise his kids here in Carlisle and serving the City. He also had a word for the students that were in attendance by saying, "Don't think you can't make a difference, because you can."
Next to the podium was current Ward 1 and Deputy Mayor Mary Ann Thompson. She discussed serving Carlisle for the past 20 years. And discussed the many boards and committees she has served on in her time on council. She also talked about what the City Council group has been able to do collectively over the years for the City. Thompson is running against Bryan Green to keep her seat on City Council.
Unfortunately, Bryan Green was not able to attend the event. Green unexpectedly lost his mother this week and was spending time with his family. He did however send a note that Abby Hamilton read to the audience.
Ward 2 candidates Scott Boschert and Sharon Shelton both had their time at the podium. Boschert and Shelton are running for the spot left by Carrie Branson. Boschert spoke about being a life long resident of Carlisle. He has raised three children in the schools. Scott also served as one of the Carlisle Volunteer Firefighters for 14 years and retired as a Lieutenant in 2000.
Shelton spoke about her past of being a life long resident of Carlisle, as well. She has been a single mom who raised her son in Carlisle. She feels she is now at a time in her life that she can devote the time needed to serve the city. She would like to be a voice between the people and the city. She says, "She wants to make Carlisle a better place, although it's pretty darn good already." She also went on to say, "I have a lot to learn, but I am alway up to a challenge and I look forward to it."
Randy Winkler was up next for the Ward 3 City Council seat. Randy is a current council member who is being challenged by Rich Smith. Randy and his wife have lived in Carlisle their whole lives and have raised three boys in the school system. Randy goes on to say he is involved with every aspect of Carlisle and is asking to be re-elected to City Council on November 3rd.
The night then turned to the school board candidates. Tammy Lainhart gave a heartfelt speech about her commitment to the school system. Duane Patrick gave a quality informed speech about his time on the School Board. Bryan Dunkman talked about what he could add as a new school board member if elected. Finally, Joe Marinich gave a comical speech and about the time he has spent on the school board.
Candidates that were not able to make it were: City Council Candidates Bryan Green and Rich Smith. School Board Candidates Kevin Taylor, Bill Jewell, and David Clay.
In closing, we want to thank the Advanced Placement Government class for the opportunity they provided to the community by having this forum. It was truly informative and gave the residents of Carlisle the opportunity to gain knowledge about each candidate to make a wise and educated decision come November 3rd.
Thank you so much Carlisle Daily for taking the time to report back on Candidate Night in Carlisle. I am still recuperating from spinal cord surgery and I just can't get out and about as I have in the past, but thanks to your organization so much of the sports program, school activities, businesses that are trying to succeed, individuals that have given to their city in a positive way, and many many other types of articles. I love the video of the week, I love the more interesting postings that are making their way around e-mail, the original videos such as the storm last year in September that you took the time to post. I get the Middletown Journal, the Franklin Chronicle and only recently canceled two other newspapers yet I spend more time reading the educational, or interesting, or funny articles that the Carlisle Daily posts. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Sharon Byrd
I want to thank Carlisle Daily for reviewing the Meet the Candidate night. I was unable to make it and looked through the Middletown Journal for reviews and found nothing. With not having a local print newspaper, I look to Carlisle Daily for much of the info. I need about the community. Thanks again!
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